Nowadays, when we are talking about digital applications, the term “augmented reality” is synonymous with innovation. However it is a cloudy “landscape” for most people, even for those who use it. If we were to try to define what it means for us, we would have to say that the term “augmented reality” means:
> The digital way of reflecting a reality that does not exist!
> The reality (at a digital level) that we want to project.
> An innovative way to view interesting objects or events.
> A combination of games, knowledge, entertainment and information, in an impressive environment.
Most (or, if you prefer the widely available) augmented reality systems use smart phones and tablets to display all this information in an impressive manner. They can turn a boring experience such as shopping at the supermarket into a game, or make an experience such as a visit to one of the leading museums in the world more intense and exciting. They place people at the centre of interest (anthropocentric approach) and often even offer personalized information. Our aim is to plan every application, both in terms of functionality and ascetics, to enrich it with details and conveniences which will impress the user, to control and distribute the content and to produce highly interactive applications which are viewed positively by the user.
We also aim to create high quality applications tailored to each customer’s needs (tailor made apps), while at the same time ensuring that the end-user participates more often in the experience or experiences which the app serves. The key to our success is impressive, intelligent and functional display content (images, text, audio data, video, etc.) which is tailored to the needs and specifications of each customer.